12 ways to prove the God of the Bible does not exist
Let me give you a little background. First, I dislike labels, tags or being placed into a group of rubber-stamped followers or believers, It is derogating and takes away one’s individuality. No two people alive today, or that have ever lived on this planet, are exactly alike; not even the most identical of twins. This is profound, and taking someone’s uniqueness away is not nice. For this reason, I neither claim to be an atheist nor a theist. I fall somewhere between these two fanatical groups. I dislike fanaticism. The only thing I’m fanatical about is shying away from becoming one. This places me somewhere in the range of agnosticism which runs long, wide and deep.
So I’m not religious, i.e. I’m not affiliated with, nor do I agree with any religious group or their beliefs. Once, at a weak point in my life, I fell into the clutches of theism and became a born again Christian, but never felt comfortable there. The biggest reason was, I could not stand the ingrained hypocrisy of religious groups.
As a young man searching for answers, I could never find satisfying responses to my doubts. I can believe just about anything if it is explained logically. Unfortunately religion is not logical, at least in the way it is practiced, i.e. blind faith, a loving god that condones and even orders the killing of babies and everyone else that is not a believer is not logical, are only two. I don’t care how loud you scream it from a street corner or how many times you announce that God works in mysterious ways, doesn’t make it logical.
Now, as an old man in the twilight of my life, I have finally found the answers to my doubts, which I will share with you here. Hallelujah brother, I have become a born again disbeliever.
Well, after all that, I seem to have forgotten what I was going to say. I’m not wacky, just forgetful. More and more I blame this on my age and I’m really not that old. Yes, religion, I know. That’s all I’ve been writing about for the past few months. Well then, let’s get started.
Proving the god of the bible doesn’t exist.
This morning I came across an article written, I’m sure, by a Theist. It’s a list of things on how to prove to your heathen friends that God exists. This is a good thing. All who believe in God should be prepared to prove He does exist, or at least He existed at some time. It is easier to prove something positive than something negative. Does this mean my job is going to be hard because I have to prove the negative? It’s like having two pennies lying in front of you. It is plain to see one and one makes two, a positive. Take them away and there is nothing there to prove they don’t exist, the negative. However, I think I have some good points to make. Of course nothing short of a miracle is going to sway a believer. This is not the objective of this article. I’m not out to pry anyone from their religious beliefs. I am trying to ease the ache in the hearts of those teetering on the fence between theism and atheism. I never liked being a fence sitter either.
1- First there’s the creation of the universe or this world. Something tangible, something God created. Of course it’s the first thing in the Bible. God made a cozy little home for His pets. This is one of the first things Theists bring up in support of there being a god, their God.
If He wanted a playground to his creation, why did he create such an expansive universe? A simple solar system would suffice, maybe a few other planets for aesthetics and to keep everything in balance. Maybe His plans were for us to populate the whole universe? It’s been thirteen billion years and we are still on this tiny speck called Earth. Yes, we have reached the moon but I think we only managed to scare ourselves. Maybe there are other life forms out there. I can accept that, but how many theists can? Maybe the god that did create everything decided this experiment was so messed up he decided to try again somewhere else. Blowing bubbles, this is how some scientists describe multiple universes, is easy for him. maybe he is letting this one fester to be sucked into a black hole so he has more material to play with. There were many creation stories thousands of years before God came along. Like just about everything else in the Bible, creation stories were plagiarized from previous accounts from other cultures. Here are a couple sites I found interesting site one and site two .
2- Some Theists claim the universe or Earth is six thousand years old. They came to this conclusion by adding up the years of the genealogies from Adam and Eve to when Christ came down the path. Talk about having faith, wow. Check out this site. site three .This group may have tipped the sacrament bottle a little too often, but they are certainly filled with their faith.
This is too ludicrous to even comment on. I will say that more and more theists are agreeing with the big band theory with the stipulation that their God was the Instigator. Okay, here is where I could agree there might be a god out there. But again, it is not God of the bible. I’ll explain more on this later, if I don’t forget.
3- Now comes the human body and all its intricate parts and systems. The theist’s claim is, our bodies are too complicated and this could never happen by chance.
I think someone pulled this one out of the air or someplace else, probably because they don’t want to dispel the Bible, in that God created us out of dirt while little was said about all the amazing animals he created.
We are not the only organisms on this planet that are so wondrous. There is nowhere on Earth that life of some kind does not exist. Millions of species have come and gone extinct, some of which we were responsible for. We have proven to be poor game preservers that He meant for us to be. I wonder if this might have ticked Him off. Here again maybe a god did have something to do with our development by putting something here for us to evolve from. Again, I say it wasn’t the god of the bible. Something else I would like to point out: If God is so perfect, why did he not make things more perfect? Ninety percent of all species have disappeared and they continue to do so. I wonder when we will become obsolete?
4- Along with marvelous bodies comes DNA, which they say takes a god-like intelligence to design and is impossible for us to have evolved to our present state.
No. It takes intelligence to decipher it. If god created it, he would have given us the intelligence we now have. A know all, see all, hear all god would have done his best work creating us instead of starting with inferior stock (a perfect god creating imperfect beings is not logical whether we have been here for six thousand years or six million years. He would not have wanted us to struggle through millions of years of ignorance. He would have wanted us to get down to our business of worshiping him, if that’s why he put us here. Personally, I don’t believe a true god wants that. If I created something, I wouldn’t want it cowering and licking my boots like a slave. I would be filled with pride just watching it thrive. That my friends is a true loving god.
5- This next item is something man has no answer for yet. The big bang, something came from nothing. The whole universe was created from nothing or something that would fit on the head of a pin. Only a god could do this.
This is, at this time, something we cannot explain. I feel confident, given enough time, we may find the answer. Maybe we will find out a god did create it. I don’t believe we will be around though. We haven’t evolved enough to handle something of this magnitude.
6- If you can imagine a god-like being He must be true.????
This is another one that is too crazy to even comment on. If it were true this world would be filled with all manner of horrifying creatures created by man’s thoughts and we would never have reached where we are today. Granted we are endowed by one of the most powerful brains on this planet and we can conger up many images and even convince ourselves we are sick, and can heal ourselves or that someone speaks to God and we are healed. Why some and not all. Let me guess. God works in mysterious ways. Yeah, right. But as of yet, no one has been able to make something materialize. Well, some magicians have the talent to make us believe they can, which points out the many miracles Christ pulled off.
7- A sense of right and wrong is instilled in everyone and all societies have laws, inferring this came from god and we are born with all or morals intact.
Wow, it keeps getting crazier. No. We learn right and wrong mostly from those who raise us. Societies do have laws and most of them are different. Maybe this stems from children growing up in a religious environment or not. It may appear we are instilled with morals and be a belief in a god. It’s like everything else i.e. a child learns from its environment those around it. ‘God is great God is good’, one of the first things a child learns. Another, ‘now I lay me down to sleep’. I wonder how many children have been terrified to go to sleep for fear of not waking up. Now compare the Islamic religion to most other religions. It is hard to believe how these people treat their women. Being stoned to death for adultery, basically on her husband’s testimony. An yes, it is in the Bible. One could write a book or three on this. Need I say more? What about animals that adopt and raise other animals of a species they hunt down, kill and eat? This is proof that the mothering instinct over rides the killing instinct. How many instances have you heard about wild and vicious animals being raised by humans. They grow up as though they were part of the family that raised them. Yes, of course there are incidences where instincts over rule and bloody mishaps occur. This usually happens after the animal is full grown. But, not always.
8- Jesus Christ, the Christian’s prophesied messiah. The Son of God whose life is historically documented.
Well, try to find proof of that. They point to the Bible as being a historical document. There are few theists you can have a conversation with for more than a few minutes without them saying “it’s in the Bible,” and stating exactly where it is.
There may be some instances, but then his was a popular name back then. If a John Smith of today was born and had no records of ever existing, well you get the picture. For all the extraordinary deeds they claimed Jesus did, none of the writers of that time, except for Josephus, had mentioned any of them in their writings. If our John Smith created all those miracles today, there would be no doubt exactly which John Smith it was. Maybe this is a little unfair. But there should have been a few incidents. Everyone knows the eagerness of a reporter and how he tracks down the slightest scent of a hot story.
9- How does one explain the common characteristic all societies have practiced religion from as far back as can be examined?
This is correct. People evolved as did religion. Man’s first gods were tangible and could be seen and touched. The effects of nature: the winds, storms, the sun, the hunts and the animals they hunted. They didn’t warship an unseen god living in the clouds and it goes nowhere in proving God’s existence. Eventually their gods did shrink back into the obscure and the invisible. Shamanism, one of the earliest religions, can be traced back to the caveman, when they plastered their deities on their cave walls. Of course, you can ask a dozen people “what is the oldest religion?”. You will get a dozen different answers. The birth of religion took hold and grew as did man’s gods. One of man’s great desires was to be one with his god, thus the Shaman’s trances involved the spirits entering him, much like what you might see in many churches of today. It’s still called being in the spirit. Shamanism, to the surprise of many, is still going strong all over the world.
Being one with god became popular and man began making his leaders gods. This became a big hassle when leaders were killed just so the next one in line could be a god. They changed the rules and made his leaders gods only after they died. Usually his son took over. Thus we have, The Son of God. This didn’t lower the killing rate of their leaders much, so in order to make their gods more pure and more reverent, they began to have them be born of a virgin. Back then, as it is today, one of the highest achievements a man prides himself on is to be the first with a woman. Being born of a virgin put one on a level with god and this concept became popular, as did the concept of being crucified. This sometimes elevated a leader into god status and there was no shortage of volunteers.
10- The Bible, written by forty different men as heard straight from the mouth of God while maintaining consistency and unity, proves it all.
A few facts glossed over by theists, these men were kings, prophets, disciples, murderers, criminals and killers of babies, to mention a few. All claimed to be God’s aids. Most of these men were individuals who spent far too much time alone, in deserts, in the hills tending sheep, in jail cells. All places conducive of visions, as is the nature of writers, plus it helps to be a good liar.
These men may have written it, but some thousands of years later other men rewrote it, picking and choosing what they wanted to include in the final version. These men were the same ones that put to death anyone opposing their views. Nice guys? Something strange, all their original manuscripts no longer exist. They also destroyed thousands of manuscripts they thought were not appropriate for their religion. As for consistency and unity, that has to be a joke. I don’t even want to step in that mess.
11- Prophesying, who can explain how someone can tell what is going to happen hundreds of years down the road? Only God can do that or put it in someone’s mind.
Me, me. Let me try. I can tell you. First, pick out a corner. Go sit in it until an idea comes to you. Write it down taking care not to be too specific, then publish it all over the place. Sooner or later you will build up a following. There will always be a few fanatical followers willing to keep it alive. If they believe in you, they will keep an eye out to see if it happens. If it doesn’t happen soon enough for them, they might nudge it a little with their toe when no one is looking. These are meddlers and gossipers. Something believers are not supposed to be. I divorced one such as this and my life improved considerably.
This is the last one. Thank goodness, I’m plum tuckered out.
12- Miracles, prayers and feeling the presence of God, how does one explain these marvels depicted in the bible and experienced by faith-followers?
Prayers: it makes no difference if you pray to God or to a garbage can, the chances of your prayers being answered are equal, provided you do nothing but pray. Say you are praying for money, disregarding that one should not be praying for material goods. This is only an example. Now, if you get off your can, get a job and start saving, eventually your prayers will be answered. Or, You can set there until the cows come home. Maybe someone will come along and drop a fortune in your lap, but God has nothing to do with it.
Miracles: miracles are happening every day. It all depends on your state of mind. I watch these evangelists and faith healers on TV. There, on a huge table lays thousands of letters supposedly from followers who wants the preacher to pray for them to be healed or, whatever. These letters have never been opened. Probably from people all around the world. The preacher prays and runs his hand through the letters and he may shout out some generic illnesses or peoples’ first names. BAM, you’re healed. A certain percentage of the sick and dying will be healed simply because they believed and some whether or not they believed. I think I mentioned the brain is a powerful organ. It has been proven many times by developers of drugs by using placebo pills in their experiments.
The spirit: This same effect goes for those who feel the presence of God and being filled by the spirit. Whether it’s snake handling , writhing on the floor or stiffening up after being thumped on the forehead by a faith healer. It’s all in one’s mind. It’s easy to get caught up in a charismatic preacher’s sermon. You feel lightheaded and your blood pulses through your veins, you’re on a high not unlike someone smoking dope. It’s not the spirit you feel. I get the same feeling when I read an exceptional ending of a good story. Tears sometimes streak my cheeks. Some of these stories are far from the realm of religion.
As for the vale lifted from my eyes and seeing the light of the disbelieving. It was a recent revelation. It was something that has always been within me, I just couldn’t figure it out. I was just a poor uneducated hillbilly. I became a born again believer 48 years ago next month. I studied the Bible and other religions and often marveled at the similarities of most religions around the world have. I thought, that was proof God existed. What confused me was how the loving God allowed his sheep to wander in the first place, and the God I saw all too often was not really the loving and caring God everyone said he was. When I began searching for proof of God being something conjured up by man, it didn’t take long. As my well educated and very religious Russian wife says in her broken English, “open your eyes, it’s before your face.” What I realized was the bible, God and Christ were not original, nor were the stories in the Bible: creation, the flood, Adam and Eve and many, many others were created long before the writers of the Bible came along. They were all taken from myths created hundreds and thousands of years before. Blind faith veiled my view. It’s all out there, all you have to do is have the desire, open your eyes and it will appear before your face.
Have I answered all your doubts? If not, let me know.
My apologies to any believers I may have insulted.
I’m finished. I ain’t gona say no more.