Sunday, May 1, 2011


Who or what is the cause of these birth flukes             
Maybe the parents are to blame? After all, their genes combined and produced the unfortunate defected human. They raised the child with their set of beliefs and morals. Now the ungrateful brat defies them and wants to marry another of the same sex and with the same affliction. Maybe then, it’s the afflicted ones who are the sick culprits. They grew up unable to shrug off their strange feelings which caused them to suffer in shame and uncertainty because they could not control these feelings? One does not have these feelings unless they are guilty. Certainly these were not the plans God had for them?
Maybe you believe God had nothing to do with it. It’s the individual who is following their desire or giving in to false feelings or has warped ideas of sexual pleasure. No one in their right mind would have such feelings. Just what is a right mind? Does that mean no one is born gay and they become gay as a choice or the result of their lifestyle, their ill begotten desires or lack of morals? I believe science has disproved this. You might say, science has proven God did have something to do with it. It’s in one’s genes at the time of conception, the time one is assigned a soul. How else could one explain all these mishaps of nature, or if you prefer God’s slipups?
Something we cannot deny
There is another group who, not only has feelings of the opposite sex they appear to be, but they may also display the sexual or reproduction organs of both sexes in various combinations or ways. Hermaphrodite is the old term we used to refer to them. The proper term used today is “intersex.” Humans that are born with typical reproductive organs but have atypical clitoris/penis, or a male who develops breasts. These abnormalities happen at about the same frequency as people who are born with red hair. Some attempts are made at birth to rectify the problem and victim usually ends up scarred or deformed. Others are not aware of a problem until they reach puberty and a perceived male begins developing breasts. How does he explain this to his girlfriend?
This human oddity has a Greek God in their honor, Hermaphroditus, an effeminate male offspring of Hermes and Aphrodite gods of sexuality.
Some closing remarks
Remember now, if you are one who believes God created us or He has specific plans for us, you can’t have it both ways. If God is in charge, what is He trying to communicate to us? Seriously, this is befuddling, answering that God works in mysterious ways or we know not His reason is not a good enough answer. It’s a copout and is not intelligent.
I know, for a fact, animals other than humans, are born with these abnormalities, if that is what they are. I have raised and cared for many different animals during my lifetime and have observed these traits: Roosters mimic hens and try to lay eggs; hens try to crow and mount other hens. I have observed this also in rabbits and tropical fish. Fish are notorious for this. Have you ever had you leg humped by a bitch, i.e., this is the proper term for a female canine, or have you ever witnessed it? If you haven’t, you have lived a very sheltered life. These human oddities explained above are facts, and if you don’t believe that, open your eyes and look it up. I don’t think you’ll find it in the Bible. On second thought, maybe you will.
Some may think these displays are driven by over sexed or sick individuals. Of course they are. The sex drive of most living things is strong and would naturally be displayed strongly. That’s our makeup in nature. It comes second only to our will to survive.
Think of this. How often have raped women been accused of willful participation? Were they mealy participating or were they using a survival tactic? I imagine our cave dwelling ancestors either gave in or were done away with. Even the victim is sometimes uncertain and suffers feelings of guilt. If a child is conceived during this criminal attack, is the woman obligated to carry it to birth because it’s the womanly thing to do? This is sick in this day of test tube babies or in vitro fertilization where sex is completely out of the picture. Maybe in a hundred or so years, we will have a mechanical god, an offspring of the computer so many of us now warship.
Too many cannot visualize themselves in a rape victim’s place. Too many with perceived good intentions do not fully analyze what they are actually doing. Let the mother die, save the unborn zygote, we’ll put it in a can and decide later who will raise it. Remember the Rhesus monkey experiment?

My vote for a god is the minute particles that make up the universe. I’m going outside now, get some rays and bow down before my living god. Have a pleasant day folks.

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