Monday, May 28, 2012

Is Government herding us into a police state?


Because of ubiquitous cell phones and observation cameras, with the right equipment, one can track and spy upon someone just about anywhere one goes. Now, along with face-recognition software, one can no longer disappear into a crowd.

Our federal government has new alter high-tech collecting tools that can, intercept, decipher, analyze, and store everything about hundreds of millions of us and make it available to those with a need-to-know with a mere click of a key. Science fiction is now science fact.

If used correctly, these tools are great and can track down criminal in a matter of minutes. However, some are abusing the use of these tools, and along with new regulation on the war on terror are making life hell for many innocent individuals. This has to stop. We have the laws and regulations, but they are broken and by those who are supposed to enforce the laws.

We can no longer send a private note to someone, unless we hand deliver it in a sealed envelope and watch them open and read it before burning it and spreading the ashes to the winds. That is if there are no hidden cameras their bathroom capable of observing over one's shoulder. Even the mail service is more secure than the internet or cell phones, yet they too, are vulnerable to search and seizure. Government does what it wants and answers to no one, whether it is legal or not. They seem to think the laws they made are meant for us peons or, is that pees-on-us.

Fourth Amendment search and seizure rights granted to us.
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Illegal searches happen thousands of time every day. Most of us are ignorant of our freedom of search and seizure without a warrant. We feel safe. We trust police. We have nothing to hide and, in ignorance, submit to these illegal acts. Police are not above deception either. They know our rights far better than we do, and they know how to get around them.

"You don't mind if I look in your trunk/inspect your car? Would you mind emptying your pockets/emptying your purse?" Innocent questions, but what they are doing is asking for permission to search your person or property. That is legal and if you grant them permission, Shame on you. Not knowing one's rights can and will get an innocent person into trouble.

Some police have no morals or qualms about doing illegal acts. They are not above committing crimes. The fact is, the percentage of police who commit crimes is about the same as it is for ordinary citizens. This is not what I am talking about. These guys are professionals. They have stopped thousands of people and surely have sat through many lectures or training sessions on just what or how to talk to speeders or whatever. The first thing they say, after greeting you of course, is, "Do you know why I stopped you?" That is if you haven't blurted it our first. Let me tell you my little for-instance tale.

One morning about 3 am while going to work, a police officer stopped me for turning left on a red light.
I have been turning left on red arrow lights for over a year and a half. I thought this was a legal procedure because, I heard our county Sheriff say on the local radio that is was okay to turn left on a red arrow if traffic was clear. I heard him say this two defendant times on his morning talk show. It did not sound right to me However, Who am I to question the county Sheriff?
"Do you know why I pulled you over?" the hefty officer asked as he shined his light into my car.
"Ah, not really." I said. "Was it for turning on that red arrow?" I knew before I had the words out I had confessed to a wrongful deed.

"That's it." he said, and asked me for my license and registration, while I explained what I heard from his boss on the radio. "That's not so." he said and walked back to his car. I was fuming. Did he mean I did not hear it on the radio, or did he mean the sheriff did not say that?
They simply ask, and we open our mouth and insert our foot "Yeah, I guess for going through that red light." or, "Sure, go ahead; search me, my car, my house my pockets/purse." We feel we have nothing to hide. We have done no wrong." How stupidly innocent this is.

They must have a reason to search you or your property without a reason. Your actions or reaction could be reason enough, e.g., you are staggering/ smell like alcohol or marijuana, they spot something suspicious in your car or through your window etc. However, they can find or make up reasons.
Here is a good article demonstrating the above
Here is an article on the where when and how of search warrants.
Here is a video of a cop who does not get his way with and informed person. This is a funny one and the cop has a filthy mouth.
Here is an arrest, without cause, of a minor.
Cop takes down a special education student for not tucking in his shirt.
Check out this video Naomi Wolf on a Police State in America She says we have already become a police state.

War on everything
The leaders WE elect to run our country have declared war on everything, war on terror, war on drugs, war on poverty, war on property and even declared war on women. However, this one has been going on since Eve chomped on the forbidden fruit.

They-our leaders- declare war on anything they want to control. What's the old saying?"All is fair in love and war." Well, they have declared war and are taking it to the limit. They believe they have this right, i.e., they believe they are immune to the law. They do whatever they want, wherever they want, whenever they want to whomever they want.

And, we pay their bill for everything from paying the hooker, the hotel, the restaurant, the limousine and probably the condom. Let's face it, most of whom WE elect are lying, thieving, cheating, narcissist whore mongers. Whore monger, (1-a prostitute, 2-somebody regarded as being sexually indiscriminate, 3-someone willing to set aside principles or personal integrity in order to obtain something, usually for selfish motives ) I looked this up just to make sure I used it correctly. Yep, all three definitions are a perfect fit

What warrant? We don't need no stinking warrant.
Check out this site for some scary stories of how the government can confiscate everything you own merely on suspicion and never give it back even though they never charged you with any crime. Hey, remember this is war. Then, what they steal, except for cash of course. They always keep any cash they confiscate. Anybody that carries large sums of cash is automatically tagged a criminal. As for other property confiscated, they let it lay to rot away while the legal owners make payments on it and struggle to get his life back to some semblance of normalcy.
If the above were not enough, here are three more horror stories.

Reading these incidents made me weak and weary. I need to take a break. I have lots more to say about the erosion of our rights. See you next time. Have a pleasant day. Ray

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