Saturday, March 3, 2012


American Government; brainwashers extraordinaire
The U.S. Government is one of the biggest users and abusers of conversion/brainwashing from the President on down. Keep in mind the definition of brainwashing is (to impose a set of usually political or religious beliefs on somebody by the use of various coercive methods of indoctrination, including destruction of the victim's prior beliefs).Conversion is (a change in the nature, form, or function of something). What else is there to say? Anything else is redundant. However, since few realize they are being reprogrammed, I will continue my little spiel while I am still psyched up. I need to get this out of my system.
An amazing thing, which is hard to believe, few seldom realize what is happening when someone is attempting to convert them. Then, some who are conducting the service do not know what they are doing either, particularly our clowns in Washington. Those who do understand are indeed evil. The rest are adept monkey-see- monkey-doers as well as good liars. We all know that though, i.e., it is a prerequisite for politicians.
They are turning us into submissive robots and we do not understand we are being lead down a primrose path. They are robbing us of our constitutional rights. Our civil liberties are going down the drain. We must watch every word we utter for fear of hurting somebody's feelings. We no longer have freedom from illegal search and seizure, all in the name of "war on terrorism, war on drugs, war on poverty or plug in whatever."Security is vital. Screw your rights." I expect, soon we will have to stop and submit to a search whenever we cross a state line. My only consolation is, hopefully, I will be gone by then.
They are methodically turning us into a totalitarian nation. My Russian-born wife, who became a citizen of the U.S. twelve years ago, mentioned a few weeks back that this country is beginning to feel like how it was in Russia. I have never been to Russia, but I agreed with her. I believe we have already yielded to plutocracy, i.e., it is clear to me the wealthy already has government officials in their pockets. If you cannot see that, you must be wearing blinders.
The big thing is, our fearless leaders,(they are fearless because they sit their fat rears in some cozy office safe and secure). They make up hypnotic speeches that mesmerize us into thinking we are the guilty ones. We need to tighten our belts and sacrifice more while their pockets fill with big bucks from their rich contributors, i.e., owners of worldwide conglomerations who want to have it their way. And they usually get their way, and then some.

Brainwashing our country's protectors.
Conversion/brainwashing begins when a travel weary new recruit steps off the bus that brought him to the basic training station. An angry drill sergeant greets them and barks out orders using adjectives' like ignorant, mamma's boys, sissies, pantywaist and other offensive terms. The poor clucks think they are at the wrong place. Up until then, he or she only herd good words from their recruiters promising only good things that would happen once he or she became a member of the grand service they were about to enter, i.e., the money, the pride, the traveling and meeting of interesting people. Thus begins the first stage of the brainwashing process of changing a still wet behind the ears young school kids into obedient killers ready to give their lives up for their country. This degradation continues with things like "bend over and spread your cheeks and shaving off your wavy DA hair style, in vogue back in the mid fifties. They soon weed out the few who resist conformation and send them back to their mommas.
When you begin doubting your individuality and are convinced you are a piece of crud, they begin to fill you head with all the traits it takes to become one part of a collective, like Seven of Nine, that good looking heifer rescued from the Borg on Star Trek. This is a process not unlike a farmer who ploughs up a field ripping out all the bad plants to provide for a clean area for reseeding it with what he believes are the best plants for him without regards of what the field prefers to grow.
After the nine-week vacation, as they called it when I went through boot camp, it ends with proud recruits showing off to their families how good they perform as a group. They march around the grinder all in step to the mesmerizing and ever present drum beat, which had been part of the conformation process for the past two months, or the droning of "your left, you left, your left right left."It almost puts one to sleep. Then they stand at attention while crack drill teams show off their ability at twirling rifles. I never did understand what twirling rifles had to do with fighting a war. Maybe it is to amaze the enemy so they run off into the hills.
After nine weeks, oddly the correct amount of time it takes to change a habit and take on a new one, they have created a new you, ready willing and able to take on your new task of fighting to the death someone you have never met or even seen or fully knowing why. Our brains are amazing animals and easily manipulated.

The end is not the end
I think most everyone knows how gung ho marines are. Recruit training does a bang-up job of converting these ploughboys and girls into proficient fighting machines, and yet, when it is over, the treatment they receive is no better than anyone else in the other services gets, and it may take a lifetime for the effects of their programming to wear off. In their minds is, "once a Marine always a Marine." And they believe that crap.
The government officials got what they wanted. "We are finished with you. Pick up your prosthesis at the VA hospital." You would think the least they could do is to deprogram these brave souls before reintegrating them back into society. As one who gave twenty years to his country, I can assure you the pay is poor compensation for the risk one takes.

We are group oriented and followers
One should be leery when entering any group situation and we usually are. Chances are a thought-reform specialist may be directing it. This does not mean you are safe outside a group. There are some unscrupulous vultures lurking out there willing to work on a one-on-one basis. Salespersons come to mind.
Mind control is happening all around us every day, from the time we, kicking and screaming, enter kindergarten until they cart us off to an old fogies home, someone is practicing coercive persuasion on us. Remember, like subliminal messaging, no one realizes he or she has been brainwashed. Once integrated into a group, we feel safe. Like blind sheep, we eagerly follow assured we are doing the right thing, especially when everyone else is doing the same. What I am trying to say is, it is all in our heads. I wonder, did cave men have to put up with this crazy stuff?
Okay, that's all I have. I'm wrung out and ready for the line. I have only skimmed over this interesting subject, but it's been fun. Until next time, thanks and have a pleasant day.

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