Tuesday, September 1, 2009


A dyslexic's frustration.

Frustration, a word I could not spell until recently. I guess it finally reached that magical number of times it takes beating it into my brain until it finally registers as another word conquered. (I just spent another frustrating eight minutes trying to spell conquer without a Q, such is the life of a dyslexic; write down, check spelling, choose word I think is the one I'm looking for, look up, wrong word, try another. Around the merry-go-round we go until I happen upon the word I want. I recognize it right off but must look up its definition to be sure). That is Frustration.
Sorry for the distraction, but it is a perfect example of why I chose frustration for the subject of this blog. Pick a random article on dyslexia and nine times out of ten, you will find frustration mentioned. It consumes a huge part of a dyslexic's life. Not that everyone doesn't experience frustration.
Frustration and all of its synonyms from annoyance to exasperation and from aggravation to pain, yes, look it up, pain is a synonym for frustration, and believe me, frustration can be painful. The older I get the more frustrated I become. You would think that after seventy years, your brain would absorb more than it does. Being that we only use ten percent of it. For crying out loud, what is the other ninety percent doing. I tell you, it's frustrating.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand your *frustration*, I can spell but I can't type very well! I proof read my typing errors all the time... some still elude me!Hehe!!!
