Thursday, February 16, 2012


In part I, I mentioned some of the basics and definitions of brainwashing, and I ranted about advertisements creeping into our brains and taking away our logical thinking. In this part, I'm going to demonstrate how everyone and his brother go about hypnotizing us into accepting their views, beliefs or ways of thinking. I'll give you some videos that debunk myths many think to be true when in actuality they are nothing but smokescreens, mirrors and prestidigitation. Even after exposing these tricks, some believers will still ignore reality. However, I am not trying to change anyone's beliefs. That is difficult and beyond my capabilities. Here is great article explaining how the public is brainwashed and reprogrammed.
Who practices brainwashing techniques?
Many, ranging from Evangelists to Alcoholic Anonymous, each use their own lists/steps in changing one's ways/beliefs. The process is much the same weather rescuing a drunkard, converting a heathen or potty training a dog. The idea is to clear one's mind of old/bad habits, beliefs and ways of thinking, and instill new ones, they all are trying to change you into what they believe is the only right way.
Clinging to our beliefs.
We tend to resist change and giving up our treasured beliefs/habits, even after someone proves them wrong. Okay now, don't get in a huff. Let me explain. This morning I noticed my neighbor continues to warm up his car before going to work whether it's winter or summer. This is something us old folks have practiced since we began driving. Back then, motors needed a warm-up period. Now this practice is out dated. Automobiles no longer require pre warming. It only wastes fuel and pollutes our air. It's even illegal in some states to practice this ritual. It entices criminals to commit theft. This could make you liable if that thief happened to kill someone or commit illegal acts with your car. Yet some continue this unnecessary task. So, I admit it's more a habit than a belief and some beliefs are habits. My own beliefs were a habit. I just never had the gumption to broaden my knowledge
Planting seeds of doubt or guilt.
First, using subtle means, they lull you into a state of hypnoses. Here is a cute video involving some three and four-year-olds and the power of planting seeds. Adults can be manipulated in the same manner.
Once under their power, they convince you that you are a bad/sinful individual; you are the worst piece of slime on earth or anywhere else. Whether you are a sinner, alcoholic, recruit, student or political rebel rouser. Convinced that you are a piece of crud, they begin to install their belief system into you wilted pea brain. You must conform. Resistance is futile. It's our way or no way. Then It's down the righteous path, or marching in unison as a foe, one band obediently following orders. Some with a book, some with a rifle, others with a sign, they all cry out a different and yet seemingly similar chant. When they finish their reprogramming, you wake up wandering why you had not seen the light before. This process ranges from a few minutes to a few years. In my case, it took a few decades to realize there is no guiding light, only a fall into darkness finally free of the fear of burning in hell for eternity, which, in itself, is inconceivable.
Aliens, Gods or feeble minds?
Most of us have heard about crop circles, this phenomenon has been happening since the late 17th century mostly in southern England. Like UFOs, it has created much controversy. Some have stepped forward, admitted and even demonstrated how they created the designs in the crop fields. Then, there is Big Foot, the lock nest monster and others. These things seem to happen in small areas. People want notoriety and uniqueness. We tend to believe the unexplainable as some higher life form entertaining us by performing miracles. Believers continue to believe some higher force or aliens have created these wonders. No amount of evidence will sway their beliefs.
We are still acting as our cave-dwelling ancestors, who could not explain the wonders of nature. One would think, with our highly developed brains, we could get past these seemingly magical displays. Sometimes things are not what they appear. Check this about flying and walking on fire.
Being fooled or fooling ourselves.
 It has been proven time and again, that our brain is miraculous. I learned in survival training that fear kills you just as quick and as dead as a bullet can. I have read reports that people have died merely because they thought a snake bad bitten them. If one believes strong enough, they can heal themselves, or in some cases, kill themselves. It does not take someone with a microphone and a Bible in hand putting on a big show about it. Check here to see How easy it is to fool people. All it takes is unyielding belief. I am not just talking about religious belief.
Lullaby and good night
We often kid about falling asleep during church services. It's no joke. It's a serious matter for those giving the sermon. They want to lead bodies down the path of righteousness. Often, when my wife dragged me to church, I have watched inexperienced preachers become frustrated while trying to entice someone to come forward. They mimicked other preachers without fully understanding what they were doing. These preachers do not last long in small country churches.
Services are ment to lull you into a hypnotic trance-like state. This is the beginning of the brainwashing process. Most clergymen schooled in these techniques, know what they are doing and evangelists are masters at it. I often watch them on TV in awe, as they orchestrate crowds of thousands in a rhythmic chant as the crowd rocks and chants to the music as the preacher works his magic inserting rapturous biblical verses that seem to go on forever. One expects the writhing mass to fall in exhaustion at any moment. It's reminiscent of scenes from a rock concert.
 You bad dog, you.
Then comes the belittling, you are a bad sinner. There is no way of getting around it, because you are born a sinner. How absurd is that statement? They use these scare tactics until you are convinced you are a low down dirty dog. They threaten that you will burn in hell for eternity unless you accept their ways. They repeat this to no end. By the time a child is eight or ten, it has heard this thousands of times. Each time it becomes more scared then the last, until finally it gives in.
Fear is a scary thing.
I vividly remember an event that scared me deeply and still affects me to this day. It is a good example of the power of one's mind. I was about thirteen when a deep fear engulfed me. The only recollection I have of going to church, when I was a child, is the time I had listened to a sermon about using the Lord's name in vain and what it really meant, i.e., spending eternity in the fires of hell. Walking home that day with the sermon raging in my head, I vowed never to do it again.
To this day, a video of that revelation still runs clearly in my head. I kept that vow; I still cannot utter those words, even though I no longer believe in God and I have cussed like a sailor all my life. I believe the brainwashing, reprogramming and fear forged a habit in my brain that won't let me speak these blasphemes. Logically, I know I can force the words from my mouth, but it is very uncomfortable and it feels like my mouth is full of dung. It is a habit brought on by a deep-seated fear.
This non-believer has heard these words (gosh, gee and golly, synonyms for God and Jesus) uttered as an exclamation from the mouths of preachers and highly religious people. It often made me wonder just how deep their beliefs were. I do not condemn them, because I believe they do it in ignorance. However, ignorance of the law is not excusable, so I hear. Here is a good site explaining of using the Lord's name in vain. Something else that bothers me is when someone who uses synonyms for strong cuss words like the F word or the S word or the N word. It irritates the hell out of me. If you are going to refer to the word, use the damn thing and stop pussyfooting around.
Lifetime habits are difficult to change. It took me several months of conscious efforts to reverse the habit of putting my keys in my right pocket and my change in my left pocket. It was just a curious experiment.
Okay, my sermon is over. In part III, yes, there is more to come; I'll climb down from the pulpit and rant about others who lull you into their ways. Until then, thank you and have a pleasant day.



In part I, I mentioned some of the basics and definitions of brainwashing, and I ranted about advertisements creeping into our brains and taking away our logical thinking. In this part, I'm going to demonstrate how everyone and his brother go about hypnotizing us into accepting their views, beliefs or ways of thinking. I'll give you some videos that debunk myths many think to be true when in actuality they are nothing but smokescreens, mirrors and prestidigitation. Even after exposing these tricks, some believers will still ignore reality. However, I am not trying to change anyone's beliefs. That is difficult and beyond my capabilities. Here is great article explaining how the public is brainwashed and reprogrammed.
Who practices brainwashing techniques?
Many, ranging from Evangelists to Alcoholic Anonymous, each use their own lists/steps in changing one's ways/beliefs. The process is much the same weather rescuing a drunkard, converting a heathen or potty training a dog. The idea is to clear one's mind of old/bad habits, beliefs and ways of thinking, and instill new ones, they all are trying to change you into what they believe is the only right way.
Clinging to our beliefs.
We tend to resist change and giving up our treasured beliefs/habits, even after someone proves them wrong. Okay now, don't get in a huff. Let me explain. This morning I noticed my neighbor continues to warm up his car before going to work whether it's winter or summer. This is something us old folks have practiced since we began driving. Back then, motors needed a warm-up period. Now this practice is out dated. Automobiles no longer require pre warming. It only wastes fuel and pollutes our air. It's even illegal in some states to practice this ritual. It entices criminals to commit theft. This could make you liable if that thief happened to kill someone or commit illegal acts with your car. Yet some continue this unnecessary task. So, I admit it's more a habit than a belief and some beliefs are habits. My own beliefs were a habit. I just never had the gumption to broaden my knowledge
Planting seeds of doubt or guilt.
First, using subtle means, they lull you into a state of hypnoses. Here is a cute video involving some three and four-year-olds and the power of planting seeds. Adults can be manipulated in the same manner.
Once under their power, they convince you that you are a bad/sinful individual; you are the worst piece of slime on earth or anywhere else. Whether you are a sinner, alcoholic, recruit, student or political rebel rouser. Convinced that you are a piece of crud, they begin to install their belief system into you wilted pea brain. You must conform. Resistance is futile. It's our way or no way. Then It's down the righteous path, or marching in unison as a foe, one band obediently following orders. Some with a book, some with a rifle, others with a sign, they all cry out a different and yet seemingly similar chant. When they finish their reprogramming, you wake up wandering why you had not seen the light before. This process ranges from a few minutes to a few years. In my case, it took a few decades to realize there is no guiding light, only a fall into darkness finally free of the fear of burning in hell for eternity, which, in itself, is inconceivable.
Aliens, Gods or feeble minds?
Most of us have heard about crop circles, this phenomenon has been happening since the late 17th century mostly in southern England. Like UFOs, it has created much controversy. Some have stepped forward, admitted and even demonstrated how they created the designs in the crop fields. Then, there is Big Foot, the lock nest monster and others. These things seem to happen in small areas. People want notoriety and uniqueness. We tend to believe the unexplainable as some higher life form entertaining us by performing miracles. Believers continue to believe some higher force or aliens have created these wonders. No amount of evidence will sway their beliefs.
We are still acting as our cave-dwelling ancestors, who could not explain the wonders of nature. One would think, with our highly developed brains, we could get past these seemingly magical displays. Sometimes things are not what they appear. Check this about flying and walking on fire.
Being fooled or fooling ourselves.
 It has been proven time and again, that our brain is miraculous. I learned in survival training that fear kills you just as quick and as dead as a bullet can. I have read reports that people have died merely because they thought a snake bad bitten them. If one believes strong enough, they can heal themselves, or in some cases, kill themselves. It does not take someone with a microphone and a Bible in hand putting on a big show about it. Check here to see How easy it is to fool people. All it takes is unyielding belief. I am not just talking about religious belief.
Lullaby and good night
We often kid about falling asleep during church services. It's no joke. It's a serious matter for those giving the sermon. They want to lead bodies down the path of righteousness. Often, when my wife dragged me to church, I have watched inexperienced preachers become frustrated while trying to entice someone to come forward. They mimicked other preachers without fully understanding what they were doing. These preachers do not last long in small country churches.
Services are ment to lull you into a hypnotic trance-like state. This is the beginning of the brainwashing process. Most clergymen schooled in these techniques, know what they are doing and evangelists are masters at it. I often watch them on TV in awe, as they orchestrate crowds of thousands in a rhythmic chant as the crowd rocks and chants to the music as the preacher works his magic inserting rapturous biblical verses that seem to go on forever. One expects the writhing mass to fall in exhaustion at any moment. It's reminiscent of scenes from a rock concert.
 You bad dog, you.
Then comes the belittling, you are a bad sinner. There is no way of getting around it, because you are born a sinner. How absurd is that statement? They use these scare tactics until you are convinced you are a low down dirty dog. They threaten that you will burn in hell for eternity unless you accept their ways. They repeat this to no end. By the time a child is eight or ten, it has heard this thousands of times. Each time it becomes more scared then the last, until finally it gives in.
Fear is a scary thing.
I vividly remember an event that scared me deeply and still affects me to this day. It is a good example of the power of one's mind. I was about thirteen when a deep fear engulfed me. The only recollection I have of going to church, when I was a child, is the time I had listened to a sermon about using the Lord's name in vain and what it really meant, i.e., spending eternity in the fires of hell. Walking home that day with the sermon raging in my head, I vowed never to do it again.
To this day, a video of that revelation still runs clearly in my head. I kept that vow; I still cannot utter those words, even though I no longer believe in God and I have cussed like a sailor all my life. I believe the brainwashing, reprogramming and fear forged a habit in my brain that won't let me speak these blasphemes. Logically, I know I can force the words from my mouth, but it is very uncomfortable and it feels like my mouth is full of dung. It is a habit brought on by a deep-seated fear.
This non-believer has heard these words (gosh, gee and golly, synonyms for God and Jesus) uttered as an exclamation from the mouths of preachers and highly religious people. It often made me wonder just how deep their beliefs were. I do not condemn them, because I believe they do it in ignorance. However, ignorance of the law is not excusable, so I hear. Here is a good site explaining of using the Lord's name in vain. Something else that bothers me is when someone who uses synonyms for strong cuss words like the F word or the S word or the N word. It irritates the hell out of me. If you are going to refer to the word, use the damn thing and stop pussyfooting around.
Lifetime habits are difficult to change. It took me several months of conscious efforts to reverse the habit of putting my keys in my right pocket and my change in my left pocket. It was just a curious experiment.
Okay, my sermon is over. In part III, yes, there is more to come; I'll climb down from the pulpit and rant about others who lull you into their ways. Until then, thank you and have a pleasant day.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Part 1
Amazing power or our brain.
The human brain is an amazing and powerful organ. It controls and monitors everything we do. For some, it is more powerful in a specific area; these people are called gifted or geniuses and sometimes afflicted. For most of us however, our area of expertise falls somewhere in the middle of normal, whatever that is. I think mine falls close to the bottom in all areas. Watch this video about the human camera. It's astounding almost to the point of being unbelievable. It makes one wonder what we could accomplish if everyone had one outstanding trait similar to this one. I believe this could happen through selective breeding. Oh heavens, that's so immoral. Maybe after a few more million years, we might accomplish this through evolution. What's wrong with giving it a little nudge. Don't laugh, what would a Neanderthal think if he wandered into present day New York City? We would be as gods to him.
Note of interest.
Full blooded, as we hicks call it, Neanderthals existed successfully for hundreds of thousands of years. We Homos came along, started messing around with their daughters, and they slowly disappeared. They very well may have been the first species we helped eradicate.
Our mind (the center of consciousness that generates thoughts, feelings, ideas, and perceptions, and stores knowledge and memories; the capacity to think, understand, and reason) dwells in our brain, for most of us, anyway. I could mention other places, but I'll leave that to your imagination. We are learning more and more about this fantastic organ every day.
No matter what it is and how ridicules it seems, there are some who can be persuaded to believe anything as a fact. All that is required is willingness and a little faith. Once one is convinced the moon is made of cheese, it's all but impossible to sway them from their new found belief. I remember when man landed on the moon. There were people that believed it was a hoax. Being the low-grade hick that I am, I even knew a few. It would not surprise me if there are some that still exist somewhere out there in la-la land. This is the opposite of what I'm trying to get across, but it shows that it works both ways.
The mythical they say the average brain weighs 3 pounds or about 3 percent of our body weight. I don't believe that. Using these figures means my brain should weigh 4.95 pounds. Either I'm reading my scales wrong or this info sucks. What about overweight people, Does their brain grow in proportion to their weight? After I had my last MIR, I asked my Doctor if my brain looked okay. He told me it was shrinking, but that was normal for old people. I asked him what filled in the empty space. He said fat. Now I have to do mental exercises to work the fat out of my head as well as working my muscles to keep the fat out on them. What do I have to do to get it out of my paunchy gut?
They also say the brain uses 20 percent of our body's energy. Does that mean I'm starving my brain because I set around all day, which requires little body energy, while I work the hell out of my brain writhing these dumb articles? Hey, I might be on to something here.
Thought reform/brainwashing definitions:
thought(an idea, plan, conception, or opinion produced by mental activity.)
reform(to adopt a more acceptable way of life and mode of behavior, or persuade or force somebody else to do so.) What is a more acceptable way of life or mode of behavior? This is where a problem begins to raise its ugly head.
brainwashing(1. to induce somebody to believe or do something, (2. to impose a set of usually political or religious beliefs on somebody by the use of various coercive methods of indoctrination, including destruction of the victim's prior beliefs.) The are dictionary definitions, not mine.
They both sound much the same, which, is to force someone to change their perceived wrong beliefs and accept a new set of right beliefs or behaviors. Of course, right or wrong is a matter of opinion, and, everybody thinks their opinion is best for everyone.
Who uses these tactics these days?
Well my friends, just about everybody does, from preschool teachers to our top government officials, from police officials to our armed services, from religious sects to major religious denominations all over the world, especially religious leaders. And they do it knowingly with well thought out and deliberate plans. Of course, they don't let their victims know what they are doing. The whole process is underhanded and deceptive. It may take a few minutes or a few years, but it happens and the poor slobs being reprogrammed don't realize what's happening.
They use some of the same tactics as the Chinese used during the Korean War when they convinced our captured troops they were doing wrong to the extent that some willingly remained in their country after the war was over.
Have you ever thought of advertisers as using brainwashing tactics? Adds are before us 24/7. Everywhere we go, everywhere we look advertisements are in our face and in our ears, on the radio, on the television, giant billboards and miniature billboards. You cannot read a magazine or a newspaper without stumbling over a multitude of ads. Some are so full of ads it's hard to find the article you wanted to read. Every week I pick up and throw into the trash an ads bundle, larger than the Sunday edition of the newspaper that I neither wanted nor asked for.
The average person in the U.S. who watches television is mesmerized by over 25,000 commercials each year. How many times have you been so engrossed in watching a program and suddenly you were three quarters of the way through a commercial before you woke up and realized it wasn't part of your program? These are clever fellows, I'm telling you. They are entertaining us rather than feeding us information about their product. They are enticing us into a way of life instead of giving us facts about their product. It's enough to make you want to puke.
I refuse to watch regular air born or cabled television, because of ads interrupting my programs and screwing with my mind. I canceled my subscriptions, bought a gadget that hooks my TV to my computer and subscribed to an online site that has thousands of movies and series and I watch what I want when I want all without a single $&@* advertisement. I only listen to the radio for company when I'm alone in my car, while I concentrate on driving. These days, it takes a lot of concentration just keeping out of the way of those crazies on the highway.
The World Wide Web is full of ads anymore. It's hard to find a webpage without first trudging through a flood of ads. Even watching videos is difficult without having to first watch a commercial attached to it. Google even puts ads in my dumb emails.
We try to ignore these intrusions, but they linger in our subconscious. Unless we consciously reach for our favorite product while shopping, we unconsciously grab the one the ads have beaten into our numbed brain.
We are as sheep that blindly and obediently follow our advertising Sheppard, subdued by the ads so cleverly embedded into our noggins.
More specifics coming in Part II