Sunday, July 24, 2011

Test Your Bible Knowledge

How well do you know your Bible? 
Most Christians take pride in knowing their faith and what’s in the Good Book. How many of these statements will you find in the Bible without looking them up? This is a test for your benefit. The answer follows the questions.
  1. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” See answer HERE
  2. "God works in mysterious ways." See answer HERE
  3. “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” See answer HERE
  4. “Spare the rod, spoil the child.” See answer HERE
  5. “Satan tempted Eve to eat the forbidden apple.” See answer HERE
  6. “God helps those who help themselves.” See answer HERE
  7. “Six days you shall labor and do all your work.” See answer HERE
You will only find two of these statements in the Bible and they are both in the Ten Commandments.
Numbers three and seven are in the bible and are part of the Ten Commandments. The rest are only favorite expressions or sayings held dear to the hearts of many.
I hope you all done well. Thanks and have a pleasant day.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

America, Land of the Free, With Liberty and Justice for All

True for some but not all
What a load of hog wash. If America is the land of the free, why is it that the U.S., a mere 5 percent of the world’s population, and yet it imprisons 25 percent of the world’s prisoners? And do all these prisoners receive equal liberty and justice? Not in a pig’s eye.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m an American and proud of it. It’s some on these Americans and their actions that make me feel shame. The U.S. justice system is a real pigsty and most of its intelligent citizens are aware of the injustice that goes on in our courts. I’ll mention a couple cases that blatantly stand out as illustrations.
The O. J. Simpson trial, what a disgraceful side-show it was. I never followed much of it, because I don’t watch the overly slanted and headline catching news. I only catch pieces as I channel surf. This is where I caught a courtroom seen during the trial. I remember him trying on the gloves, a piece of evidence that would tie him to the crime. This scene of him pacing in front of the jury as he struggled dramatically to get his hands into the gloves was one fine piece of acting and obviously rehearsed.
Why are some allegedly smart people so stupid? Why would the judge even allow this? That was enough for me to draw a conclusion as to how the trial was going to turn out. How can anyone put on a pair of tight fitting gloves while wearing a pair of rubber sanitary gloves? I’m sure that was a shyster’s trick. And the only people believing the stunt were the defendant’s lawyers. The jury must have been dozing during this performance.
Tell me now; did O. J. receive equal justice? Would the outcome of his trial have been different if he couldn’t have afforded his league of lawyers? Everyone in the world, except his most ardent fans, knew the SOB was guilty. It was a joyous event when he lost his civil case, and yet, all it meant was he had to give up more of his easily earned money.
Does someone who has a court assigned or pro bono lawyer have the same equality as those who lay out big bucks to firms staffed with talented, experienced and shady lawyers?
When Prison Is Not Convenient
The famous and rich have a huge advantage over the poor and ordinary.
These days, especially if one lives in California where there are prisons build specifically to house those who have lots of money, pay-to-stay facilities, that advertise like holiday resorts, or where some prisons have special cells for these elite criminals who often pay a daily rate similar to a hotel or motel. A convicted criminal, or one waiting on trial, have all the comforts of home including phone, computer, TV and even a servant/guard. There’s nothing like having a short stay at the local resort while waiting on the Judge.
Another well known case, this one swaying the scales to the opposite side of justice, is the Martha Stewart case. Is there any doubt in your mind that she was railroaded in this case? Even though she is rich and famous, she was used as a scapegoat in this instance, for what reason, your guess is as good as mine. I, as well as many more, saw that she did nothing wrong. What is one supposed to do when they see their stock is about to drop drastically. Do nothing but sit and watch it float away.
While most famous and wealthy criminals are allowed to choose their place of incarceration, Martha was sent to the one place she didn’t want to go.
What is the answer?
It seems quite obvious that our justice system is not working. Personally I believe those incarcerated should be educated much like some who are fined for traffic violations. Teach them how to read and write. Give them something to be proud of instead of how many convenient stores they robbed. Or how much dope they distributed. The rich and famous should be housed with the general population, otherwise, what restitution are they providing? Putting out a few extra bucks means little to them.
So, I ask you again, is this great country of ours really “the land of the free, with liberty and justice for all?” Not really, but, I would rather live here than anywhere else in the world. With a little effort, we the people could make it better.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pro-choice or Pro-life Republican or Democrat

Where are our morals going?
A woman from the Pro-life Organization called today and asked if I would participate in a survey saying it would take no more than five minutes. Normally, I don’t do surveys on the phone or on the street. I was taking a break from the computer and wasn’t busy so I reluctantly agreed.
Question 1. “Philosophically speaking, would you consider yourself to be a Republican or a Democrat?”
“Well, I don’t know much about philosophy but I’m registered as a Republican. That must have been the answer she wanted, because she continued.
Question 2. “Are you pro-choice or pro-life?” I wondered what being Republican or Democrat had to do with being pro-choice or pro-life; I don’t follow politics. I’m too deep into religion or not being religious. I’ve always heard it wasn’t good to mix religion and politics.
“I’m pro-choice. I believe everyone . . .” click, the phone hummed in my ear. I guess that was the wrong answer and it didn’t even take one minute. I wanted my monies worth, so I continued . . . “should be allowed to treat their body as they see fit.” I went on as though she was still on the line. I seldom get the chance to voice my opinion to someone who doesn’t want to hear it. She’s the one who called me and interrupted my quietude. What got her knickers in a wad?
It’s my opinion, People should be allowed to stuff themselves with whatever foreign substance they wish as long as it doesn’t harm or disturb someone else’s freedom of choice? And they should be allowed to extract any foreign matter from themselves they don’t want or are not capable of caring for. Why don’t people get all upset when someone has big globs of fat cut, sucked and stripped from their bodies? While others have most of their stomachs cut out just because they can’t control their eating habits. After all, I’ve heard it said more than a few times, “a fetus is part of a woman until she gives birth”.
Many now adorn and decorate their bodies with trinkets and inked pictures and figures much like savage tribes of Africa and other places used to do. Some of these youngsters go overboard with it. Some religions believe one should not tattoo themselves or pierce and decorate their body parts with all matter of foreign objects. I wonder how many of these church ladies go to Sunday services wearing trinkets on their pierced earlobes while they denounce others for sporting lip, nose or eyebrow studs. Why aren’t pro lifer’s demonstrating in front of tattoo shops and piercing parlors of the world? These people are defacing God’s temples, i.e., their bodies.
Why should people not be allowed to take any foreign substance or article out of or off of their person that they feel should not be there?
Illegitimate births are getting out of hand and our morals are going down the gutter. If something is not legitimate does that mean a crime has been committed? Watch this video. Typical of most people demonstrating; they only see half the picture. It’s comparable to a mob on the street. They simply follow everyone else, not knowing or caring about what they are actually demonstrating nor do they have a solution to what they are protesting.
Bastard--a person born of unmarried parents
Back in the days, calling someone a bastard incited a fight. These days being a bastard is worn as a badge of pride. “That’s right, man, I’m one of eight in my family and we come from a long line of the same.” Just ask my old man, if you can catch him, he’s one too, and so is my mom.
There are enough bastards roaming this world as it is, not that this is such a terrible thing, but I feel it does indicate a lowering of our morals as a whole. In fact, bastards are quickly becoming the norm rather than the unusual. Makes one wonder how many of these illegitimate births were planned. It’s quite obvious they were not, in most cases anyway.
A 2008 survey shows many countries’ illegitimate births make up over 50% of their births. In the U. S. it’s over 40%. Teenagers make up %86 of these illegitimate births. This too has gotten out of hand. More and more young girls are giving up their virginity at a younger and younger age. It’s the thing to do. Lose your virginity and win a badge.
What is marriage?
Who gets married these days? The norm is to shack up together until they get to know each other instead of the other way round. If they aren’t pregnant yet, they soon will be. How many shack-up-couples make it past a few years? How many make it past a few months?
I’m your man baby come join my harem
Young men can’t keep it in their pants and young women can’t resist their man. Young men pride themselves on how many women they can get pregnant, pay no child support, while the government supports the young women and their broods, and even the not so young women and their broods. They too take pride in their absentee man and turn over their money to him so he has a nice big shinny car to drive and fine clothes to wear. He cannot be bothered by getting a job, mainly because there is no job out there that suits him. Some of these ladies are even proud of how many women their man can service.
So, Pro-life Organization woman, yes, I am pro-choice all the way.