Do you believe in miracles?
The human brain is an amazing organ and capable of producing miraculous feats. It is, in my opinion, a true god, more worthy than the gods our ancestors created eons ago. In reality, it should get credit for all perceived miracles and miraculous happenings instead of the conjured up gods.
Deceptive eyes and ears.
It is the same with your eyes and ears. They trick your brain into believing you saw something other than what it was. Who of us, at one time or another, has looked at something and saw it as something other than what it was.
Remember; back when you were a kid walking home late at night. Depending on your phobias, shadows become hungry bears, rapist or murderers lurking in bushes, behind trees or in dark alleys. You may hear someone say something other than what he or she actually said. Later, scratching your head, you may reason these things out knowing their true meaning, or maybe not. Maybe your parents raised you with the truth that the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause were mythical characters, and that bares and murderers were more scared of you than you were of them. Sensing your fear intensified their need to complete their objective.
Some years ago, back when Moby Dick was a sardine, I had an overwhelming desire to learn the mysteries of hypnoses. I studied it, and learned a state of hypnoses can be self-induced, or people can laps into a hypnotic state without realizing it. One is capable of doing amazing things while in or out of a state of hypnoses. Whether you or someone else manipulates the brain, it makes little difference. One's brain evaluates actual events and perceived events equally. For instance, you can convince your brain/yourself that a part of your body has no feeling. Thus, one can have an operation without administering anesthetics. You trick your brain into believing your body part has no feeling. Have you ever watched someone punch needles through parts of their body? Either they were born without the ability to feel pain, or they had the knack to numb their body parts.
Through hypnoses, whether self induced or guided by another, one can perform many seemingly unbelievable things. I have experimented on myself enough to convince me this was possible. However, like my religious beliefs, I never had enough faith to go further.
Have faith.
In most cases, one must have faith or belief to go into a hypnotic trance/sleep/feel the spirit. A willing subject/Christian/believer and a practiced hypnotist/preacher/healer can put one into a trance with a snap of the finger or the putting on of a hand. Upon awakening, the subject will believe what the hypnotist, etc, suggested to them before or during their trance. This works without salting the audience with willing actors. The important thing is one must have faith, whether religious oriented or otherwise. Besides, in a crowd, there are always those who are good at putting on a show or having a desire to be in the limelight, and there are some of us, who came to watch the show/miracle.
Some examples
I knew a doctor once who had dental work done without having the dentist poke needles into his jaw. He had the ability to numb any part of his body at any time.
How many times have you discovered a cut or scrape on yourself and suddenly felt pain wondering why you had not noticed it before. You telegraphed to your brain that you had a booboo and you realized you needed to feel pain.
Once while sawing a board on my table saw, the board slipped and kicked back. It was not the first time I experienced this. I felt the kickback and repositioned the board glad that I had observed safety procedures of not standing behind the board. I started to finish the cut. Several seconds elapsed before I realized the cause of the kickback.
I noted blood smeared on the board dripping from my left thumb split open up to the knuckle. Then, I realized I should be feeling pain, and I did. It streaked from my numbed thumb all the way up to my arm and down my spine. I nearly passed out until I realized I was alone. My body knew something happened to it and delivered a shot of adrenalin. When my eyes delivered the fact to my brain, it said, "Feel this, sucker."
I have witnessed enough and experienced enough to convince myself, what Believers call miracles is nothing more than their minds working overtime. They sit in church mesmerized by the sermon giver and are lulled into a state of euphoric numbness. I had experienced this myself more than a few times back when I was a member of a congregation. For many, once away from church, they forget. I have been backsliding for over 47 years and I think I have finally found the real light.
Placebo medications have proven many times over that they heal one's ailments just as quickly and thoroughly as the real thing. Doctors give insistent-patients sugar pills to heal there perceived ailments. Whether good, bad or indifferent, many follow their leaders' suggestions and take a stroll down the primrose path. Are all these things miracles? I believe they are, but they are not divine related.
There have been accounts of people who died because they thought a poisonous snake had bitten them, when in actuality, a non-poisonous snake had bitten them, or, in some cases, nothing bit them at all. They merely thought a deadly snake lurked somewhere nearby and when a thorn pricked them; they assumed it was a snake and died of fright. Read HERE and HERE
How many times had someone pronounced dead come back to life? Maybe, they overheard the doctor or someone else pronounce them dead, or for some reason known to them only, they fell into a trance, later when reality hit them they returned to the living. Watch this, HERE How many times has someone discovered this? How many times has it gone unnoticed? Here is a long but interesting article on dead and buried coming back to life.
No, I do not believe in miracles. They are cute and mostly not harmful, so what the hey? Let the believers have their beliefs. I have my own and I think mine are better. It's my right.