Sunday, October 9, 2011

Some Rants Ramblings and Observations

A niche for everyone and everyone in a niche
It seems everyone desires a unique classification or niche, something one can snuggle into and say, "This fits me just right, and makes me different from everyone else."Nowhere else is this more true than in religion, where even a sub denomination of a sub denomination and on and on, is not specific enough for some, so they form another group and another and yet another. It never ends. Maybe this is because each of us is a unique being. This difference is recognizable even in identical twins. What mother cannot identify one twin from the other? It's a matter of familiarity
This concept is now running rampant within the ranks of nonbelievers. It's not good enough to say "I'm an atheist or an agnostic." One must know to what degree and just how one does not believe. Are you a strong, medium or week atheist? Why do you not believe in God, Allah, Yahweh or any of the other names for the true god? Are you absolutely certain, somewhat certain or just not sure there is a god. Soon there will be as many nonbeliever sects as there are believer sects.
My god is the only god, your god sucks
The Bible says there is only one god. Any good believer will tell you there is only one god, God who created everything: the Earth and everything on it, the whole universe. My God, how can this be? Each sect claims his or her god did all this. The claim is, God dictated the Bible. Which one?
From the beginning, Man has never been satisfied with one god. We now have so many versions, it is difficult to count them, and we continue to dream up new ones. Does each of these gods provide a hereafter for their followers? This is for those who believe in a hereafter: not all believers believe this. Can you believe that? This is the reason Man invented gods. Man needed a place to retire for the rest of eternity. This is something else not everyone can agree with.
What about Hell
Is there such a place? The opposite place, you know, that hot spot where all nonbelievers and evil trash go to serve their master, i.e., the red guy, with horns and a tail. Never could understand the tail part. Maybe it represents another line of Man's evolution where the primitive tail never devolved. Not everyone can agree what hell is and what happens there. This all is one big hell-of-a mess.
Those who believe cannot believe why those who do not believe the same as they believe. Then, what happens to the reincarnated and those who believe in a god but do not believe in an afterlife? Does each god provide their chosen people with a planet, galaxy, universe or haven of their own?
If one is comfortable in one's beliefs or lack of them, does it make any difference to what degree one carries this? One either believes or does not believe. If there is only one god, and most think there is, does it not make sense he would want everyone to worship him in the same way. Those thinking different are not quite right in the head, I think.
A Victorious Victory
The other day a couple men knocked on my door and handed me a brochure. They smiled their pleasant smiles while I glanced at it, fanned the pages to verify that it was what I thought it was. I smiled and handed it back.
"You might want to give this to someone who may be interested and benefit from it." Their jubilant smiles faded into smirks of doubt. "I'm an atheist." Their jaws dropped and their eyes widened.
One quickly recovered "Well, what are you going to do when you die?" he said as a satisfied look filled his face.
"I'm going to rot like all other living things do," I replied. "He started to speak. I quickly stopped him with a raised hand. "We can stand here and argue until the cows come home and neither one of us will gain any ground."
They turned away and I watched them stroll back down my driveway. They gave me one more disbelieving look. I gave myself an atta-boy and turned back into the house.
I used to patiently stand and listen to these people make their spiel on their ideas on religion. Sometimes I even stated my views or objections. I soon learned this only incited them to longer ramblings about something of which I had no interest in. Then I began accepting their literature, quickly thanked them and shut the door before they began their practiced sermon. Later, I quit answering the door and they left their literature hanging on my doorknob.
When my vision finally cleared and I became convinced God was merely a concept created by our ancient ancestors that snowballed into what it is today, i.e. , a god created in the image of man and shredded into so many pieces the end result lacked any semblance to its original concept. I declared myself an Atheist.
Over the ages, I have endured the many religious zelots who darkened my doorstep. The cowards came in pairs to intimidate and batter me with carefully selected Bible quotes. Being the peaceful guy I am, I silently stood while they vented their beliefs on me. I seldom commented because I learned early on not to resist too much, otherwise, they would rant on until dark thirty.
Then I thought, what gives these inconsiderate religious fanatics the right to disturb my quietude and stuff their beliefs down my throat? It is disrespectful. Oh, I know, the Bible tells them this is what they should do. Not in my Bible! So what the hay, I thought. I'll do a little stuffing right back. I'll let them know right off, what I was and where I stood. This last time was my first attempt. I did what I said above, gained a quick satisfying victory and sent them scurrying down the road with hopes they would never darken my doorstep again. It has been a quiet and peaceful two weeks.

Christians get out of jail free in Bay Minette, Alabama. see HERE and HERE

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