Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pepper Spray, Tasers and Bradley Manning

Pepper spray and Tasers
Pepper spray and Tasers are legal for private citizen use, although, they are a diluted form from what police and other correctional officials use. Personally, I have no problem with this. They certainly are better than carrying a loaded pistol. We have been using early forms of them, i.e., cattle prods, on animals for many years herding them down chutes and into slaughter stalls. All, so we have plenty of their tainted meat as the main item on our overstocked tables. It appears crowd control officials treat protesters in pretty much the same manner, selecting and herding their catches into overstuffed jails. "Keep those doggies movin. . . .. rawhiiide "
The problem I see is their flagrant or misuse by some law enforcement officials, far beyond their designated intent, e.g., shocking for prolonged periods and repeatedly shocking a suspect, 19 times. This seems a little extravagant, wouldn't you think? So does shocking someone already handcuffed. If a cop cannot control someone handcuffed, he needs to find another occupation.
When death results from their improper use, check HERE and HERE something is quite wrong. I watched many videos that appeared, to me at least, as excessive use. One wonders about all those instances not caught on video.
Why would someone already in handcuffs need to be Tasered? For punishment maybe, or to satisfy sadistic urges. I can imagine, after chasing down a suspect, leaping fences, stumbling through backyards and with adrenalin flowing high, it's easy to trigger a few extra shocks in retribution, or to administer some jailhouse justice just for self satisfaction.
It appears no one is exempt from feeling the bite of a stun gun. Pregnant women, young schoolchildren and 72 year-old grandmothers have felt its tingle rip through their bodies. It appears many enforcers are pantywaist, inept or just enjoy watching people writhe in agony.
Use of a Taser, I believe, is too easy. Its use has results in well over 500 deaths in the United States alone, since its introduction into police forces in all but a few states, has occurred after its use. One young man was shot with beanbags nine times, stung by a Taser twelve times, and then shot four times. No wonder the poor slob died. One would think this constitutes excessive force, wouldn't you think? They contributed most of these deaths were the result of shocking someone on drugs. I guess a numbed brain cannot handle the high voltage Maybe they should give drug tests first. "Here fill it up. I'm going to Taser you."
I was stunned to learn that some schools have traded in their paddles for stun guns and pepper spray to force young school brats into compliance. Shocking a first grader because he wouldn't come down from a bookshelf, you have to be kidding. Some of these quick draw Barney Fife characters shouldn't be allowed within a hundred feet of a child let alone work in a school.
Not only do they shock the hell out of you, you are in danger of infection by the unsanitary barbs piercing your skin. Well, if you hadn't been putting on such shenanigans you wouldn't have been Tasered.
Watch this video on pepper spraying cop
Here's another ARTICLE on pepper spraying cop.
Here's the best article I found on Tasers
Bradley Manning
If you're not familiar with who Bradley Manning is and what he did, here is a good article that will bring you up to date .
Here is the 39-minute video Manning released. Danger, this is real life happening albeit the mindset is that of kids playing a video game. It opened my eyes. It's hard to imagine how killing could be taken so nonchalantly.
Here's my conclusions after viewing this video.
It shows that it's okay to shoot children because they shouldn't have been there.
It's okay to send three rockets into a building full of people because someone thought they saw one person carrying a gun. This is after gunning down eight people because someone mistook a camera for a gun.
It's okay to shoot down anyone who is aiding the wounded.
It's okay to make jokes about running over bodies with a tank whether they are dead or not.
They seemed very interested in how many kills they got. I wonder if they were keeping a tally and how many points they got for each documented kill.
I thought they were fighting a serious war over there, not playing a computer game. They cannot distinguish real life from a reality game.
I think it's way past time we brought our men back. I understand more clearly, why so many of them return with mental problems and find it difficult to stop killing.
Didn't our flopped ear President promise to back whistle blowers?
I look forward to another year of fun-filled adventures as me and my dyslexic brain roam the skeptic highways of the great World Wide Web gathering words from more intelligent albeit sicker minds than mine and regurgitating them onto clean white backgrounds.
Best wishes to you all in the coming year. Thank you and have a pleasant day,

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