Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Things that destroyed my faith, hope and belief- Part 3

Things that destroyed my faith, hope and belief; first, like I said I'm a doubter, but I tried for many years to keep the faith. The biggest thing to kick me in the gut was the hypocrisy of most, and maybe all, churches and religions. It came at me every day, in many ways. Along with it came backstabbing, gossiping and outright lying. It slowly ground away at my faith in the church and in the congregation.
Then along came the atrocities of church leaders, from the bottom clear to the top. Scandals kept denied and covered up and finally bribed away. No one turned over the tables. All it takes to wipe away the front page headlines is a few greenbacks. And the denials, "Not our pastor, not our preacher," the congregations cried. "Ah, this is life, no one is without sin." And to ones that go to jail, only to come back to the open arms of their blind sheep, and they continue their blood sucking and blabbering about repentance.
It was all more than this redneck/hillbilly could swallow. I lost hope. Now I believe only in nature, which, of course, includes space. It's a marvelous universe out there, something that is real and can be verified. Until something new and explicable comes along, this is where I'll stay.
I read signs in my neighborhood saying "Save our schools, we are one nation under God. My question is, whose God? Why should one be allowed to stand around and have the beliefs of some other God stuffed down his throat? And it happens every day. If you hear it on the radio or television, you have the option of turning it off or changing the station. But at public meetings and gatherings one must suffer the embarrassment of setting through it.
I think government run schools should be done away with. Home schooling, private schools and church schools are the way to go. They are more efficient and less expensive in the long run. Let the government put that money toward more space exploration. Maybe we will find God out there somewhere, or at least see more of His creation?

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