Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Or how to feed a country to death
What has been a silent killer for over a half century in America has now spread to Third World countries. China now has an ally to aid them in controlling its overpopulation problem.
Fast food sales have been popular since Ancient Rome times, but never has it been as fashionable as present day.
It began in our country in the late teens and early twenties after the First World War and exploded in mid 20th century and now, fast food joints are so ubiquitous one cannot go more than a few blocks without passing one. Most exits on any expressways' are polluted with their signs cluttering the skyline

The problem:
Fast food joints have been sending us down a self-destructive path ever since they gained popularity and began killing us weak-minded gluttons. They started as what seemed like a novelty and quickly spread into an epidemic.

Of course, they never held a gun to our heads and forced us to eat their slow poisoning slop. What they did was hit us where we are most vulnerable, i.e., they hypnotized our impressionable children with their ads promising fun, frolic, and play toys. They made it easy for moms and dads, who both worked to live the American Dream, to make a five minute stop to carry home ready-made suppers. Schools served our children the same fat injected swill for lunch and served leftovers for breakfast the next morning. We grew up with the idea that hamburgers, fries and sweet drinks were our security blanket. A blanket that grew into a smothering monster we could not escape. Is it no wonder our kids bulged into butterball piglets ready for marketing/hospitalization.
The statistics:
Overeating has become an addiction as destructive as any street drug. Meat laced with growth hormones pollutes our bodies urging us, as it did the beasts the polluted meat came from, to eat more, forcing a third of our population into obesity. This lays us open to all manner of debilitating diseases and early deaths.

Obesity and its related diseases is the number 2 preventable killer in our society, right under Smoking. Of course, neither one is the actual killed. It's the diseases that erupt from our obsessive behavior.
The statistics, read it HERE yourself.
Our gluttonous habits steal from the mouths of starving children, not only here in our country but also from countries around the world. It raises our health cost and depletes our resources.
A solution:
We need to stop eating like the gluttons we are. If we cannot do it alone, we must make an appointment with a psychologist. One has to know what is causing us to expand is not coming from the air we breathe and our body does not require a half side of beef to exist on each day. All that slop we gorge ourselves with in not normal. It is a disease, a disease of the brain brought on by a habit. Our sick brains simply needs reprogrammed and for most of us, this requires help from a specialist. This does not mean a diet specialist. A diet has never cured obesity. There I go again. Never say never. Thanks and have a pleasant day. Ray

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