Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Are you proud to be a citizen of the United States?

Are you celebrating this Fourth of July with enthusiasm and happiness for your country? If you are, you are doing exactly what the leaders of this country want you to do. For twenty years, I proudly served in the military defending the American Way. If I had know then what I know now, I seriously think I would not have ventured there.
Yesterday, I watched the movie Zeitgeist. Now I kind of wish I hadn't. It is a three-part movie. The first part is on religion. I found nothing new there, because, for the past two years I have been studying religion. It was part two and three that somewhat shocked me and convinced me of what little I knew, i.e., I pay little attention to the news, which I feel is mostly propaganda. Besides, the news media and the government pretty much controls what goes in it, and I never did like history. So, what I learned from this movie filled me with sadness and disgust. I no longer feel proud to be an American.
Part 2 is about the attack on 9/11. While I am somewhat gullible, but I'm not a damn fool. Some of the things they bring out here are ridiculous. All I can say is watch the movie and decide for yourself. One thing is blatantly obvious; we were far from being ready for a terrorist attack. So many airplanes out there ready to go and no one had an idea what was going on. We dropped the ball there.
Part 3 is about Federal Reserve banks and wars. Much of what they say here may or may not be true. I do not like banks, especially large banks. A few extremely rich people own most of these banks, which I think is not healthy. As for wars, I do believe they are deliberately started, mainly because they do stimulate the economy
That's all I'm going to say about this. I'm going to bed and cover my head. Maybe tomorrow will bring a better day. I hear thunder outside. Another wet day or night if you may. Thanks and have a pleasant day. Ray

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