Saturday, December 11, 2010


In the beginning, was it a big band or a big splash? Maybe, there was nothing, at least nothing we, we being us here on this speck of dirt floating in what we call the universe, could, can and probably will never conceive. Maybe there was or is a colossal laboratory. In this laboratory there was, and maybe still is, someone or something preparing an experiment of some kind, to find out who knows what. You make up whatever you think it is. This is something we as a human race are good at. We can conceive of many things, but seldom, if ever, can we as a solidarity agree on any one thing. Good or bad, this is our nature.
He, she, it, they make ready a Petri dish filled with what we here on our speck call dark matter, then dropped in what is now us here in the middle of our universe on our microscopic glob in a nondescript galaxy, thus creating the ‘big splash’. Think of a drop of oil splattering onto the surface of water. That drop of oil is our universe expanding.  What represents billions of years to us is less than an eye blink to this lab tech who hasn’t had time to adjust his microscope yet.
Now, can you understand that to us the end of our universe is a long, long way off.
What we need to do is put aside our faithful fears and undying inspirations. We still have time to party down. Brush away the small stuff. Forget the inconsequential and focus on what matters. Do good things for others. Keep a smile on our face instead of a knitted brow. Lend a hand instead of a push. Nearly everyone has heard it, but very few practice it, i.e. DO UNTO OTHERS.
Maybe we are what this lab tech is searching for, maybe not. Maybe we are his experiment. Maybe there are other specks in this or other galaxies out there with more of us or something similar to us on them. Maybe they are more successful than we, more suited for what the lab tech is seeking. Maybe he will pluck us from his Petri dish and cultivate us into something that will do good things for his culture too. This is a lot of maybes. But, what if we keep going in the direction we are headed, i.e.  destroying ourselves and each other as well as our little crumb we call Earth before he can even find us? If we have come this far in one blink of an eye, imagine where we will be and what we might accomplish in several blinks.
Envision what it might be like if we all agreed on one god.
In time we may find the edge of our universe, look into the eye of the lab tech and pray that he saves us from ourselves. By then, it may already be too late.

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