Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Why is the world so prejudice against women?
Misogyny: a hatred of women, as a sexually defined group, not to be confused with misogamy: hatred of marriage
Personally, I harbor no such feelings. I like women. Many of my friends are women. I think I have more female friends then male friends. Maybe that's wishful thinking. My mother was a woman. I have been married three times to women. Some women are even fun to be with, at times. I have only hated one woman in my life. That was my second wife, the one who gutted me like a hog and left me bloody and quivering on the side of the road. I still hold such a deep-seated hatred for her that it scares me. I also know it will lie festering inside me until the day I die.
A cold weakness flows through me just writing about it. Lead weights pull at my arms. It's a terrible feeling and no one should hold such hatred towards anyone or anything. I try not to dwell on it. But sometimes it sneaks up on me. A rage floods through my veins and I have to shake it from me like a venomous snake. Some day, I may write that story. It may help me shed my ingrained hatred for that despicable woman. That someday is a long way off though. So, I do know how some can let their feeling eat away at them. Just because one eats a bad apple, does not mean all have eaten of that apple.
Let me get back into my non-serious mode.
We tend to repeat our mistakes
For example, my marrying three times or, our country struggling through another period of prohibition, one would think we would learn from past mistakes. I thought we liberated women a long time ago. We sanction same sex marriage and then take it away. States are allowed to decide whether pot is legal or not, then the Feds visit their state and stomps the crap out of them. Abortions are legal and then they are not. We cannot leave things alone. We must continually stir the pot. What we settled in the past, we feel a need to rehash, make it all funky again. It's as though we have a dire need to punish ourselves time and again or experience what our grandparents went through. Going through an election year does not help either. It seems to enflame us more. Politicians do this well and do not care who they tread on.

Religion played a big role in how we perceive women today
Thirty to fifty thousand years ago, or maybe further back than that, we humans worshiped women, i.e., they were our first gods. Our first images and figurines were of women. We cannot deny the existence of the thousands of Roman and Greek gods many of which were female, and they all were lovely heifers, too.
Religion came along and turned our beauties into second-class citizens or less. Then it got worse. Some religions still treat their women like low grade whale dung. For the life of me, I cannot understand how a religious group who warships a loving god can treat their fairer sex as they do. I'm not only referring to Muslims. Most other religions place their females on a lower scale than males. They insist their god wants it this way. Excuse me folks, but I give that god the finger. Does he not have a mother? Well, his son did.
I believe this maltreatment of women came about, not because a god wanted it, but because men wanted it. Men made up a god and then made up what they thought a god wanted. If females had taken on this task, we would be living in a completely different society, and women would be stoning men for their perceived atrocities. No, if women had been in charge, I think this would be a more peaceful world and surely, we would not be facing a world so overpopulated we face starvation for all in the not too distant future.

Government has done its share of denigrating women
Our governing group in DC and state and local as well, which mostly consists of men, wants to regulate what a woman can and cannot do to her body. This also comes from pressure applied by religious organizations led by you guessed it, men.
Do any of these groups feel a need to dictate that men cannot have his ducts cut and tied? Have clinics that perform this nip and cut procedure been picketed, bombed and their proprietors killed beaten and bloodied? These are facts we all know, yet few step in to do anything about it.
These two, government and religion, do not and should not mix. However, with every election, the two clash. This year women and religion are both taking a beating.
I think I have stirred the hornet's nest enough. Your thoughts? Thanks and have a pleasant day. Ray.

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