Sunday, September 2, 2012

What is the nature of our States

First off, check out this site. It is a real-time counter of how much our glorious nation is wasting in our latest War Against Terrorist since 9/11.
1. The cost of war in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001 is over 1.36 trillion dollars. That is over 124 billion per year and quickly growing.
2. This represents 4.3 million dollars for each U.S. citizen. I think I could have put my $4,300,000.00 to better use.
Are we warmongers?
Our country has been constantly at war from before we became an independent nation. See HERE . We cannot live peacefully. If we are not fighting our own battles, we are taking up arms to aid some other country. So, if we are not warmongers what are we?
On 9/11, around 3,000 people died in the attacks. Since then we have sacrificed ten times that many of our military members. We have caught and slain the two main culprits and most of their followers responsible for this horrendous event. Need we continue our slaughter of the innocent as well as the evil? Have we not caused enough pain and suffering in this world to pay for what we lost in 2001? Must we continue to empty our coffers for more and more fighting machines? Why do we waste our resources on wars, when we have so many peaceful projects that need expanding? Is this our contribution to ease world population growth?
I know there are many who believe war stimulates the economy. They are probably the same ones who believe the War on Marijuana is protecting our citizens and youths. If this is true, our economy should be stimulated to hell and gone. Maybe it is. It is a certainty there are companies out there who have larger budgets than our country. Our representatives see to it that there are, and everyone involved ends up with stuffed pockets.
Objective of this war
Our main objective was to locate, capture and make those responsible pay for what they did. We have accomplished that. I believe we could have done this in less than a year.
It would have been a lot easier to send a small militia of special forces to capture and eliminate these two terrorist, as we did with the last one, i.e., go in kill the sucker and take him out to sea and deep six his sorry a$$ as required by his country's beliefs. The sorry mothers had no qualms in attacking us or blowing themselves up in crowds of innocent people. Why should we worry about our reputation? They invaded our country and slaughtered our innocent people. This is the way it has been since before we climbed out of the trees, and I think it will be the same when our end arrives.
We have accomplished our original objective. Now, let us get the hell out and let them lick their wounds and heal. This war on terrorism has brought our country to its knees. We too need to lick our wounds. We need to regroup and assess what we have become. That is, we are slowly becoming a police state because of what happened over a decade ago. Of course, this is exactly what some want. We need to sort out and get rid of these S.O.Bs before they lead our nation to annihilation.
Or are we whoremongers?
Crime is running rampant, not among us citizens, but among those who make the laws and those who enforce the laws. They institute laws that make it easy to arrest anyone suspected of being involved in terrorism. Of course, everyone arrested is a terrorist suspect. They can imprison these quasi terrorists until hell freezes over and no one can do anything about it, unless they enact more laws. Those who are prostituting our country bit by bit know this and we know it, but we do nothing about it. We sit back thinking someone will do something eventually. However, 'eventually' never comes or arrives too late.
These scum buckets, put into office by Corporate America, are selling our country and its resources to these same big-money contenders. These super corporations are well on their way to having worldwide control over everything from shoestrings to spaceships that will someday spread their power to the far reaches of our galaxy.
Government leaders are merely high-paid sales representatives. Citizens are as cattle grazing on the polluted fodder thrown to us by wealthy corporate directors. Many already control 80 to 90% of our food crops, oil, and natural resources. It is difficult to find organically grown fruit and vegetables not tainted by GMO, genetically modified organisms. We eat beef, pork, chicken and fish so genetically polluted that it affects our own bodies. We do it out of ignorance because the big boys do not want us to know what we are eating. Fat corporate owners fear it might put a dent in their twelve digit quarterly profit on the sale on the garbage they feed us. We cannot get away from it.
Grow your own
It is nearly impossible to grow a natural garden anymore. The big boys have so polluted the world with their GMO plants that there are few, if any, naturally evolved plants left. Farmers who strive to grow healthy produce fight a lost cause. Corporate conglomerates wipe them out within a season or two. Small farmers' fields, polluted by big farmers' poison crops, have little or no chance of winning a case in court. Big money and big buddies make a good team. It's another case of you can't fight city hall.
Not only are we in danger of losing our natural plants, but some of the GMO animals are escaping their growing pens, breeding with, and upsetting the life cycle of their natural counterparts, thus threatening the life cycle and possibly the demise of many other organisms. Given time, eventually, we will not need an invisible god to destroy all life on this planet. The Man God will have taken care of that.
What's the answer?
Don't ax me. As always, I believe we will eventually rise up and kick butt. I only hope it's not too late. I wish I had gotten this fired up as a young man. Thanks and have a pleasant day. Ray

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